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Harmonic Paradise for MTurboReverb
101 Expertly designed presets for MTurboReverb
"Harmonic Paradise" is much more then a mere preset expansion, we
designed and used all the Impulse Responses used on every reverb for all
the early reflections.
The result are reverbs that are profoundly rich and uniquely lush, not possible without these Impulse Responses.
MTurboReverb offers more parameters then most reverbs.
It allows for reverb design using complex formulas.
This makes it possible to design the algorithm and deeply shape the reverb in a very powerful way.
There are also over 100 parameters available to take the reverb design even further.
"Harmonic Paradise" was a massive undertaking and goes very deep into the capabilities that MTurboReverb offers.
Professional music producers will appreciate the depth of musicality and considerable detail that went into this collection.
If you are serious about reverb, "Harmonic Paradise" for MTurboReverb brings some high quality spaces to music production.
Requires MTurboReverb 13+